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The legacy of a past that will never fade! A substance full of wisdom and memories, passion and dedication, that serves as a bridge connecting what was with what will be. A vision that becomes reality to experience now and relive again. F.S.R.

Wine in its complexity

Giacomo Tachis (perhaps the most famous Italian winemaker) described the territory as a blend of wine components and its image: the quality of the soil, climate, vineyard exposure, tradition, myth, and the culture of both the farmer and the winemaker. This concept not only captures the complex nature of what’s commonly called terroir but also the multifaceted nature of wine, which belongs to both the natural and cultural realms.

In a glass of wine, alongside the chemical and organoleptic components, we also find the landscape, art, history, poetry, cuisine, and even the local economy that gives that wine its life. The transformation of grape juice into wine is essentially an agricultural-to-art transformation, reflecting humanity's ability to shape nature to its "propria immagine".



The production of RUCHÈ HEREDITARIUM is all about balancing 7 of our vineyards, all fully planted with Ruchè, each with its own unique soil. The soils in this area of Monferrato are generally made up of clayey-sandy marls of marine origin, with a good amount of limestone and gypsum. The percentages of the main components vary in each vineyard, and even on the same hill, there are more or less sandy veins or limestone layers.

The vines constantly battle the elements and the unpredictable climate. The Ruchè grape accumulates sugars with moderate acidity. In wet years, it needs extra time to fully mature the polyphenols, while in hot and dry years, the harvest is brought forward to prevent the acidity from deteriorating. It’s crucial to carefully manage the vineyards, adjusting the number of buds per vine to match the soil’s potential to avoid premature or delayed maturation. Everything is done by hand to analyze each vine and adapt it to the soil dynamics.

We’ve learned to identify the characteristics of the different vineyards, distinguishing each one and imagining a puzzle of sensations that naturally blend together. We harvest the grapes at different times, sometimes going through the same vineyard several times to let the land complete its work and give us its full splendor.

In wine production, it’s essential to minimize interventions. The natural concentration of the grapes doesn’t require special extraction methods. A gentle maceration allows us to get significant tannins without excessive roughness. We taste the musts every day and carefully monitor the fermentation through all its delicate phases, paying special attention not to ruin nature’s masterpiece.

A wine’s aging process is a learning journey. Each vintage is different, with each harvest bringing its own unique mix of components. Our secret isn’t to force things but to guide the wine through its maturation phase, highlighting its natural characteristics to showcase the personality expressed by the terroir, which will always be stronger than the grape variety itself.

Oak plays a crucial role in the aging process. We use different sizes and types of wood, new and old, large and small, depending on the vineyard. Younger, more vibrant wines get bigger barrels and longer aging, while older, more complex wines use smaller barrels and shorter aging. We realized that Hereditarium would need much more attention to detail. Our goal is to enhance the combination of terroir and grape, with aging tailored to each wine and carefully managed.

We’ve committed to keeping the batches separate, which is more work than blending them all together, but it allows us to see how each one evolves and strengthens the personality of its terroir. We need to understand the different expressions and blend them into a unique mix only after they’ve matured, creating the perfect formula that highlights each vineyard’s characteristics.

Finally, we’ve set up a space where bottles are stored apart but close to each other. We call this space the Caveau, designed from cement tanks in our historic cellar. The controlled climate and indirect light ensure managed aging and a long life for our most important product. Once again, we’ll learn how the terroir and vintage impact the final product, just as a musical symphony changes depending on the artist.

The special moment will come when we truly connect with nature, and only then will we be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.


The HEREDITARIUM spirits project came about from a curiosity to try and create products from unique, one-of-a-kind harvests.

The spirits from HEREDITARIUM are made from what we consider unique cultivations. In our experimental field, we test plants that might not be used in the future but are part of a farming experiment exploring new horizons. This helps farmers gain new insights about their land, understanding its strengths and limitations, which are never really obvious. With climate change, it’s now possible to grow things that were previously out of reach. However, these experiments don’t always make financial sense because farmers need to sustain themselves and can’t afford to work at a loss.

When experimenting with new plantings of herbs or flowers, the results aren’t always great in terms of production. But even a small yield is produced and used for tests that become part of the company’s experimental legacy. The first harvest usually serves for testing to see if these plants adapt to the soil. Since this might be just a few kilograms of leaves, flowers, or roots, after the small-scale tests, the rest is set aside for later use.

These small productions go into unique spirit blends, meant for aging in special barrels, not for mixing but for tasting a truly unique and unrepeatable product. We aim to produce spirits with qualities similar to fine aged distillates like Rum, Whisky, Cognac, and Brandy.

I had the chance to taste and buy barrels of Rum from a major company in Panama. I sought out barrels that were expressive and evoked emotions. During tasting, I found barrels that, before aging Rum, had aged Tennessee Whiskey. These barrels are now filled with spirits from my various cultivations, divided by production year and type.

All these distillates will be part of the HEREDITARIUM project, making them unique and unrepeatable, perfect for my goal of leaving a mark in the world of spirits.


These are unique productions from Sant’Agata Agricola, Franco Cavallero Spiriti, and friends who have stood out for their quality and dedication. These products are dedicated to supporting projects that promote artistic and cultural activities, especially aimed at young artists involved in these fields.


Hereditarium Project

For each vintage of Ruchè Hereditarium or release of Spiriti Hereditarium, we’ll announce the total production numbers: how many bottles, magnums, and Jeroboams were bottled.

Ruchè Hereditarium undergoes numerous tastings before bottling by an internal company panel, which selects the best batches. It’s more than just a tasting; it’s about crafting a story and defining a terroir that hosts a wonderful grape variety.

For each vintage of Ruchè Hereditarium or each Spiriti Hereditarium release, 20% of the production will be available for sale in the first release through the SPIRITUAL CLUB channel. An additional 10% of the same vintage will be sold in subsequent years until the minimum storage level in the CAVEAU is reached, which is 10% of the initial production. This remaining stock won’t be sold but reserved for special occasions like vertical tastings or special events.

The first vintage or release of HEREDITARIUM products will have a launch price set by wine and spirits experts. Direct purchase or investment from the company will always be exclusively available to SPIRITUAL CLUB members.

Investors can sell their purchases at any time to anyone, but must sell at or above the minimum market value decided based on the lowest known price for that product in that year, even if the products are stored in the Caveau. Each purchase is covered by a property contract giving exclusive rights to the investor.

The minimum purchase lot for Ruchè HEREDITARIUM will be 3 bottles, while for Spiriti HEREDITARIUM, it will be a single bottle.

Ruchè HEREDITARIUM will be packaged in wooden cases of 3 bottles for regular bottles and single wooden cases for special formats, perfectly packaged and sealed with security and authenticity seals.

Spiriti HEREDITARIUM will be packaged in wooden cases for single 0.5-liter bottles.

Each bottle will be labeled according to legal standards, showing the bottle number, production batch, release year, and the name of the original lot holder. Investors can choose not to have their name on the label, in which case the label will display the contract number anonymously.

Purchased lots can be either picked up or left for aging in the Caveau, where they will be stored under the buyer’s name, either anonymously or publicly with a removable sticker on the bottle. Storage in the CAVEAU will be in an unpackaged, non-sealed state to prevent theft, packaging deterioration, and ensure legal compliance for market release.

The Caveau is isolated and climate-controlled, maintaining a stable temperature of around 19°C, optimal for long-term wine storage.

We ensure that the wine is not exposed to sunlight or harmful rays and that it’s far enough from the nearest road to avoid vibration issues from heavy traffic.

The Caveau can be visited by appointment during normal office hours. As an investor, you can always inspect your investment or have the products delivered, subject to transportation costs, customs duties, excise taxes, and VAT.

Investors in the Hereditarium project purchase products at international market prices, without additional buying or selling costs. This means the amount paid corresponds to the price at which the wine can be sold internationally.

Why invest in the Hereditarium project

Hereditarium Wine and Spirits are an asset available in very limited quantities and in an exclusive manner, there will be no secondary labels or second releases, each product will be unique and inimitable, guaranteed by the company that produced it with every possible means.

Investment wines are about 1% of global production; therefore, we are talking about very few bottles in circulation, collectible spirits rightfully become part of history, as they have a very limited perishability over time and the impossibility of being replicated. These are UNIQUE bottles.

Being a true status symbol, it is a highly valued product, which is not affected by the macroeconomic mechanisms of the global market.

By investing in fine, high-quality and rare wines, you can obtain significant monetary returns.

The main advantage of investing in wine is that the profit is not taxed: since fine wine is a perishable good, there is no tax on capital gains, the entire profit margin remains in the investor's pocket.

By investing directly with the manufacturing company there are no intermediation, logistics and storage costs, furthermore the company guarantees the integrity of the product at any time during the delivery phase, even if it occurs several years after purchase.

The manufacturing company manages the investment in artistic works with the collaboration and supervision of foundations or associations linked to the world of art and aimed primarily at young people who demonstrate their desire to leave a tangible mark on history with works, gestures, acts of altruism and worthy actions.

The manufacturing company will be able to propose participation in international auctions for the products owned by investors and stored in the VAULT, to give the possibility of making an immediate profit and to set a base selling price for the stored product.

HEREDITARIUM is a long-term project, it is not a hit and run. It wants to be the legacy of a past, a tangible sign of our passage in history. The possibility of being part of this project is exclusive to those who want to leave a trace of their life.

The company producing the Hereditarium project does not want to profit from this operation, but intends to dedicate its best production to those who have a vision of developing a territory.

Over the last 30 years, some wines have yielded higher returns than any financial product

If you don't want to profit from this investment, there is always the pleasure of inviting some friends and uncorking together some bottles of a unique and exclusive product. After all, time spent with friends is always satisfying and rewarding.